Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday's ... Happy Weekends

What a lovely Friday …

I love Fridays … it's the only day when I can sit with the family and have all 3 meals together; usually on Friday whoever is dieting would think less of eating that crap which we call "healthy meal". Me, as a professional in regimes and dieting could care less when it comes to my mom's lovely cooking on Fridays LOLz

Fresh Tea & Milk (Karak*)

Home-made hot sauce

It depends on my dad's mood lolz, sometimes he prefers Shamee's* light dinner which consists of (boiled eggs, olives, labnah, cheese, honey, fresh salad)… some other nights he prefers to have whatever is left from lunch, OR Indian dinner –you can imagine what sort of food we'd be eating at that night ^_^

The most wonderful moment in this day is when dad sits in the living room or sometimes in the TV room and chat with us, we can talk about ANYTHING & EVERYTHING, but not sex :P and it's all girls, me and my sisters with mom, and at the end of the evening we get to have all we want from him *_* it could be a promise to take us on a trip to Alain, or Dubai... OR money in case someone is in need for :P


*Karak: is everyone's favorite morning drink, besides Arabic coffee, it consists of fresh milk, tea, sugar, and some herbs to make it tastes fabulous.

When I googled "Karak", to add it's picture for those who don't know it, I got to know that there is a city in Jordan called "Karak"!!!! it's a new pice of information to me ... I got to work on my Geography information :P , I know someone would say :How the hell you've never heard of it before?! and my father would be the first one to say that to me!! anyway, besides that piece of information for you guys, here it is the picture of my favorite drink:


*Balalee6: is some sort of small fine thin noodles boiled in sugared water, with some vegetable oil, and served with fried eggs on top ... WooooW, we love it and here it is :D


*5abee9: is the second most favorable dish in the Gulf ... it's a dessert dish made of brown flour fried with vegetable oil and sugar with water ... yammeeeee you can add some herbs as well


*Makboos: a traditional dish that each and every house in the middle east have it at least twice a week, it consists of rice cooked in meat's soup which is cooked in a special way, with fried onions and tomatos (optional) of course ... and here it is ... my favorite dish :D

*Shamee: to us ppl in the gulf a shamee person is someone who is from any of these countries (Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, or Syria) to them s/he is someone from Syria only!

Wishing you a pleasent Friday

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